1 thessalonians 4 commentary pdf

First, paul urges the thessalonians to aspire to a. Paul himself founded the church in thessalonica on his second missionary journey acts 17. Silvanus is silas roman name and silas is his hebrew name. I will speak of this letter as though it had chapters. By no means will this outline be all encompassing, but it is a starting point for you to begin with your peer teams. For ifconfirmation of his statement, 1 thessalonians 4. Timothy returned from macedonia with the report which issued in pauls writing 1 thessalonians acts 18. It is unusual in that it was written only a short time after the apostle had left the citypossibly not over six months in time. A wonderful hope of the christian is the promise of the lords return. The pulpit commentary mentions the epistle of james that may be the earliest. He not only longs to return but wonders about the future of the believers. In new testament usage, depending on the context, the plural greek word adelphoi translated brothers may refer either to brothers or to brothers and sisters. The international bible lesson uniform series for june 6, 2010, is from 1 thessalonians 1.

Yet the church of the thessalonians continued alive and active. The 2 nd coming of christ is a purifying hope in this chapter the apostle paul continues his dialog concerning traits of a christian life. Bible study questions on the book of 1 thessalonians. Page 1 of 1 thessalonians core group study this is a sevenweek bible study on 1 thessalonians. Our goal is to walk our student leaders through this book during the course of a semester.

We pick back up where we left off in chapter 4 as paul. Pauls personal reflections of the thessalonians chs. For a commentary on this principle one only needs to consider titus. He has received a report of the visit of timothy o 4. That each one know how to posses his own vessel 4 5 a. A promise given when jesus ascended into heaven ac 1.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on youtube. We join pastor david crespo as we continue in our indepth studies through the book of 1 thessalonians. The wonder and warning of christs return 1 thessalonians 4. According to the commandments paul gave them through the lord jesus 2 b. Though paul had to suddenly leave this young church, his deep. Introduction to first thessalonians 1 thessalonians 1. A promise designed to motivate christians to live holy and godly lives 2 pe 3. Concordant commentary on the nt scroll down for index. Christianity does not forbid, and grace does not do away, our natural affections. Furthermore greek loipos marks a key transition in the book.

Please read 1 thessalonians 4 completely before beginning. Enduring word bible commentary 1 thessalonians chapter 4. Being a manual laborer in a grecoroman city was a hard life by modern and ancient. A few months later 2 thessalonians followed, in response to reports that certain problems were not yet solved. For this is the will of god, their sanctification 3 2. The others are the seven trumpets which culminate at revelation 11. The command and blessing of holy sex 1 thessalonians 4.

This the apostle informs the thessalonians of by the word of the lord, by divine revelation from the lord jesus. However, they were able to remain in thessalonica for only a short timeperhaps no longer than three weeks acts. This is a familiar theme in some of pauls other letters, and here in chapter 4 he provides an expanded sermon, so to speak, providing more detail. You work hard for other people because of your love. The added roman name of a native jew was often chosen because of a similarity in sound. Support for this comes from timelines given in the book acts which have been coupled with accounts of roman and jewish history. The letters called epistles from paul to thessalonica, which included i thessalonians and ii thessalonians were probably two of the earliest letters paul had written which was around a. An exhortation in the lord jesus to abound more and more 1 2. Jan 17, 2021 1 thessalonians 4 commentary a e knoch conservative, literal, discussions vary from 4 pages to more than 20 pages depending on length of the book. Bible study lesson sheets these are lessons designed for either a class or personal study. Enduring word bible commentary 1 thessalonians chapter 1.

Commentary on the epistles of paul to the tessalonians cornelius. These are my preliminary verse by verse study notes before writing my bible lesson for the oklahoman newspaper. Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the lord jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please god. Paul follows his typical pattern of beginning his letters with an opening that consists of three elements. As a result, a number of passages like 1 thessalonians 4. Abbottsmith, a manual greek lexicon of the new testamen. Paul gives the term more specific meaning in this letter. Indepth bible study through the book of 1 thessalonians. Visit our library of inductive bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the bible you can use in your small group. Paul comforted by timothys report 1 thessalonians 3.

David guzik commentary on 1 thessalonians 4, where paul gives instructions on how to walk and to please god and to be confident in the coming of jesus. Home bible studies thessalonians 1 thessalonians 4. Hence it appears our hope rests on our faith if we believe. It was the first he wrote to european christians, and in it the fundamental things of the christian life are very clearly set forth. Teacher notes for corresponding mp3 see link below on mp3 audios. Five questions for discussion follow the bible lesson commentary. Good bible study requires defining the meaning of keywords, studying parallel passages, explaining the meaning of the text clearly. The lord himself the lord christ, arrayed in all his own glory, and in that of his father. Keys to a healthy christian community 1 thessalonians 5. Awesome judgment at christs coming 2 thessalonians 1.

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